Essentials of Ethnobotany on Millets
cerebrated a new year in Japan
Kimata, Mikio
Essentials of Ethnobotany
Preface Acknowledgements
Chapter 1: Research Methods and Materials
Chapter 2: Plants and People in the Quaternary
Chapter 3: Comparative Eco-genetics of Annual and
Perennial plants
Chapter 4: Domestication Process of Grain Crops
Chapter 5: Origin and Dispersal of Grain Crops
Chapter 6 : Origin and Dispersal of Grain Foods
Chapter 7: Ethnography of millets
Chapter 8: Biocultural Diversity and Natural right
Chapter 9: Learning Environment Framework
Literature cited
Contribution of Kimata,
Mikio in English
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M. 2023, The Historical sketch of millets in Japan, FAO Second Webinar on
International Year of Millets. URL: The
historical sketch of millets in Japan
Plants and People Museum
Conservation and revival of indigenous varieties ~Case studies on the millet and vegetables in Japan
CBD Citizen’s Net: Working Group of People and Seeds for the Future
Essence of Environmental Learning Framework October 8, 2016 Guidance on (